Australian Council of TESOL Associations

Australian Council of TESOL Associations

State of EAL/D Education in Schools National Survey

Opportunity to participate in a national research project

Investigating the state of English as an additional language/dialect (EAL/D) education in Australian schools and tracing EAL/D teaching courses at Australian universities



Prof Toni Dobinson, Dr Carly Steele, A/Prof Julian Chen, Dr Stephanie Dryden, and Mx Kim Andreassen (Curtin University), A/Prof Leonardo Veliz and Mr David Partridge (University of New England), Dr Michael Michell (University of New South Wales), Ms Margaret Turnbull (University of Wollongong), Ms Belinda Stewart (Cyril Jackson High School), Ms Marisa Schiavi (Catholic Education WA).

Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HRE2024-0618).



The first stage of this research project is investigating the current state of EAL/D education in Australian schools to identify the impact of education reform policies on the provision and effectiveness of EAL/D programs in schools.

The project is also investigating underlying factors which have contributed to the discontinuation of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) courses or units of study within Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs at Australian universities.


We are seeking participation from EAL/D teachers, teachers of EAL/D learners, and tertiary EAL/D teacher educators to complete a survey about the current situation of EAL/D education in their schools/institutions. The survey is open until 20 December.

Follow the link below to complete the anonymous, 15 min survey, or complete the survey by phone via the QR code.

State of EAL/D Education in Schools National Survey



Survey participants have the opportunity to be placed in a prize draw to win a gift voucher.


Teacher talking to group of children

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