Australian Council of TESOL Associations

Australian Council of TESOL Associations

2024 June- TESOL in Context Journal Accepted for Indexing in Scopus

We are thrilled to announce that TESOL in Context  has been accepted for indexing in Scopus, one of the largest and most prestigious abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature.
Scopus is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of high-quality research, offering a broad range of journals, conference proceedings, and patents. This achievement not only enhances the visibility and credibility of our journal but also ensures that our published research reaches a global audience, fostering greater academic collaboration and impact.
We are incredibly proud of this significant milestone, reflecting the rigorous standards and scholarly excellence of our contributors. TESOL in Context will be listed separately in the Scopus Title list within one month after this acceptance, further solidifying our presence in the academic community.
THANK YOU to all our authors, reviewers, and editorial teams for their dedication and hard work in achieving this recognition!
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