ACTA had a meeting with key members of the federal Department of Education’s National Schools Reform Agreement Task Force recently and committed ACTA to several follow actions, including:
- Developing a draft of what a national EAL/D measure can do, how it addresses Recommendation 5c, what it might look like, and what would be involved in its implementation; and
- Elaborating on the need to create a stand-alone EAL/D unit capable of implementing leadership of a national EAL/D reform agenda.
We have already begun work on the measure, with the help of a number of members of ACTA associations, and plan to send a draft to the Task Force by the end of March. We have also submitted a proposal for the establishment of an EAL/D specialist unit within the Department.
Click here to read the EAL/D Education Performance Framework
Click here to read the ACTA Paper to NSRA Taskforce- Dept. Restructure