Australian Council of TESOL Associations

Australian Council of TESOL Associations

2020 November- English for Adult Migrants – Future Directions


Wednesday 11th November 2020

Learn about the Commonwealth Government’s vision for English language provision for adult migrants

Photo of Alison LarkinsPresenter Alison Larkins was appointed in late 2019 as Commonwealth Coordinator-General for Migrant Services. Her role is to work closely within the Commonwealth and State/Territory governments, industry, and the community sector to drive improvements to employment, English language, and broader settlement outcomes, and through this work, to promote the contribution of migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants to Australia.
Photo of Jakki Cashman & Skye PlaystedExperienced AMEP teachers Jakki Cashman (Canberra) and Skye Playsted (Queensland) will provided, followed by audience questions.


The webinar recording, and information from the webinar, is now available on the VicTESOL website:

English for Adult Migrants – Future Directions

For questions posted in the Q&A box during the webinar, download this file:
AMEP Forum Nov 2020 – Questions by topic

The AMEP team in the Department of Home Affairs is currently considering these questions and their response will be posted here once it becomes available.

Ms Larkins and the AMEP team in the Department of Home Affairs have generously agreed to a second on-line meeting early in March 2021. The aim of the meeting will be for Alison and the AMEP team to listen to participants’ ideas around some of the key issues raised at the last meeting.

Key questions will be circulated before the meeting. The meeting will consist of break-out groups to discuss the questions, followed by reports back to the whole meeting and discussion.

For further details, please watch this space!

Hosted by the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) in partnership with VicTESOL and ATESOL ACT.




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